Flowers Crossing Meet Info
June 5th
Report time - Coach Dave wants everyone there at 5 PM.
Pool address - 1210 Providence Drive, Lawrenceville, GA 30044
Just a reminder that all swimmers should be sitting with the team, not with parents, during the meet. In addition, swimmers shouldn’t be behind the blocks or in the bull pen unless they’re swimming. It is much easier for the coaches to organize relays and find people when they are where they’re supposed to be. Thanks! From Coach Sam
Parking - Parking is available at pool's parking lot, or in the parking lot at the lower pool. Parking is allowed on the neighborhood's streets. However, when parking on the neighborhood streets, please park on only one side. Please do not park where orange cones are.
Our side - The visitor side of the pool is the side with the cover and fans/lights. Your team area is inside the gazebo or under the cover. Your parents may line their chairs on the side of the pool just in front of the covered area or under it. The gates to the pool will open at 4:30 PM for the early birds.
Concessions - Heat sheets and concessions will be sold inside the clubhouse. The clubhouse will only be accessible through the parking lot entrance. The clubhouse has just been remodeled, complete with new bathrooms to your right as you walk past it towards the pool. Due to the remodel, the HOA has asked that we keep wet kids out of the main clubhouse area. I understand this ask is almost impossible to monitor/control, so we are simply asking you to ask your parents to ensure their kids are dry before entering the concession area.
Inclement Weather - If there is inclement weather, the clubhouse may be used for shelter for council members, coaches, scoring, and concessions only. Everyone else will be sent to their vehicles to wait out the weather. Let's say our prayers, cross our fingers and toes, etc. for great weather! Our make-up day is Friday at 6PM if necessary
Go Stingrays! Your Fab 5